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Primary Ambitions at Emanuel School

Primary Ambitions aims to bring together our lower sixth formers and primary school pupils from schools with a high proportion of pupil premium or free school meal children (in their cohorts) within our local community. 

On Friday afternoons, from 2.00-3.00pm, lower sixth formers teach a variety of subjects to Year 6 children from our local partner schools at Emanuel School. Students are assigned to teach each subject to a maximum of 15 children from 18 schools. The programme is divided into five 5-week modules and runs for 20 weeks over the academic year. 

Our sixth form students are supervised by a member of Emanuel staff, but the emphasis is on them leading and running each session.  The sixth formers undertook training and prepared the resources for their modules in early September with the view of running their first sessions at the end of the month. 


As a school, we believe wholeheartedly in doing good for others, which is in turn good for ourselves. 

We are an integral part of the Wandsworth community and are keen to support those who are close by. Primary Ambitions has social mobility at its core and we believe that we can really make a substantial impact on primary pupils in our local area.

This is an ideal opportunity for our lower sixth formers to engage with our community.


We launched the programme this year. 


The programme is taught by 100+ of our pupils in lower sixth. Each of the 19 modules on offer is supervised by a member of Emanuel's teaching staff. 

The progamme is also supported by a staff member tasked with developing community partnerships. 

The programme takes place at Emanuel School. We use the science labs, the sports hall, filmmaking studio, music suite, drama studio, art studio and a range of classrooms. 


We assess the impact of the programme after each five week module and at the end of the 20 week programme. 

Pupil Involvement

100+ lower sixth pupils are involved from Emanuel School; over 185 Year 6 pupils are involved from our state primary school partners each week totally 740 pupils over the course of the programme.


The event is ongoing. It is weekly and will continue in the forseeable future.