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Pilgrim Pathways CPD Partnership

CPD partnership


We are also developing a partnership with Pilgrim Pathways School (part of Cambridge University Hospitals trust); this will see in the first instance History, PSHE and Art CPD and curriculum design input with lots of opportunity for further development and potential to continue involvement into the proposed Children’s’ Hospital.


Given the proximity of The Perse to Cambridge Biomedical Campus, it was an obvious step to look at what educational assistance might be possible for the Addenbrooke's Hospital education team. In the future there will be a specialist Children's Hospital and it would be great to build on this initial project as we could maximise opportunity that exists from geographical proximity and the multiple links between The Perse and the local NHS.

A Perse governor is part of the committee providing oversight of the new Children's Hospital and was able to propose a meeting between the head at pilgrim Pathways and the Assistant Head at the Perse. The programme has developed on a needs-based basis.


Teaching staff: time spent preparing and delivering subject specialism INSET and CPD partnerships in PSHE, History and Art.

Specialist INSET provision for PSHE from the PSHE Association has been made available to staff lead at Pilgrim Pathways, funded by The Perse.


Specialist INSET provision for PSHE from the PSHE Association has been made available to staff lead at Pilgrim Pathways, funded by The Perse; the Head of PSHE at The Perse also attends this so that there can be ongoing collaboration over the development of a suitable and sustainable PSHE curriculum for Pilgrim Pathways pupils.

Pupil Involvement

Currently no pupil involvement from The Perse given the nature of the pupils at Pilgrim Pathways being inpatients with often complex challenging medical needs.


Ongoing: intermittent CPD sessions over the course of the academic year.

It is hoped that this project will have further development and potential to continue involvement into the proposed Children’s’ Hospital.