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Physics Teaching Collaboration

During the academic year 2017-2018, a member of the physics teaching staff at Lady Eleanor Holles school travelled to Reach Academy to support their physics teaching for one half day a week. This involved teaching 6th form classes and also included an aspect of co-teaching/teacher training with one of their new members of staff.

In addition, Heads of Departments from Reach Academy were invited to Lady Eleanor Holles school for a day to shadow departments focusing particularly on GCSE and A level classes. The departments involved included maths, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology and history. The Head of Sixth Form at Reach also spent a half day at LEH looking at sixth form provision and in particular careers provision.  


‘We have thoroughly enjoyed the collaboration which is emerging with LEH. The partnership has been strengthened by the Deputy Headteacher at LEH, joining the school's Governing Body where she has brought great insight and experience around all aspects of the running of the school. We were fortunate to benefit from a member of the Science team, spending time regularly at Reach and his insight into excellence in A-level Physics and how to access top grades was very extremely helpful. This focus on excellence at A-level also led to us sending middle leaders to observe 6th Form teaching at LEH and discuss their schemes of work with their counterparts, which again had significant impact. We look forward to the partnership continuing to develop in the coming years.’ - Impact statement from Principal of Reach Academy.