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Pelican Primary Club

This is an after school club for pupils in years 5 and 6, from local primary schools. They have the opportunity to select from Maths, Coding, Music, Drama, Science, Drama, French and Mandarin. Pupils undertake three different five week courses across the year. At present there are over 100 pupils attending from 11 different local primaries.


This after school club aims to share specialist facilities (such as sports pitches/equipment, science labs and musical instruments, etc) with local primary pupils who have been identified and selected by their schools. Pupils on PPM or FSM are given priority if the club is oversubscribed.

We aim to improve attitudes towards learning and enrich the curriculum available to these pupils, foster learning mentor relationships between 6th form pupils and primary pupils and develop new skills


The partnership was established in 2021 between Elm Grove and Brighton College and it has now expanded to include more schools. 


Brighton College provides teacher support and 6th form pupil mentors. A designated Coordinator oversees the admin, including transport, risk assessments and parental consent and contact details.

All school facilities and equipment are provided by Brighton College, and there is no cost to the primary schools (including transport if required).


We have already measured an increase in school attendance on Wednesdays amongst those pupils taking part in the Pelican Primary Club. 

We aim to track these pupils through to their final assessments in year 6 and compare this to a control group to measure any academic impact, particularly in science. 

Pupil Involvement

90 primary pupils (mixed gender).

30 6th form pupils from Brighton College.


This is ongoing through Michaelmas and Hilary term on a weekly basis, and is an annual programme.