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Oxfordshire Branch of the Geographical Association

We host lectures for the Geographical Association (GA) here at St Edward’s School and invite pupils and staff from schools across Oxfordshire and beyond.

The GA is a national organisation that seeks to promote the development of Geography as a subject for schools.


We aim to improve pupils' and staff knowledge of specific geographical topics/ subjects by hosting lectures regularly each term.

We host on average 8 events per year


There are over 40 branches affiliated to the Geographical Association in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. GA branches host lectures and events for geography teachers and post-16 students during term time.

Lectures are free for all school students and adults that are members of the GA.

Dr Garrett Nagle is the President of the GA Oxford Branch and a Geography teacher at St Edward’s school.


The Geography department provides all the administration for the lectures.

We fund the lecture series each year which enables us to attract excellent speakers and guests.

The GA itself contributes towards one lecturer coming to school each academic year.  The school films and live streams the lectures on occasions.


The students from St Edward’s and surrounding schools gain from a wide range of speakers on various academic topics. The lectures aim to deepen their knowledge and depth of the subject.

The lectures also give students the opportunity to prepare for university style learning and to engage further with their academic interests.

Staff also gain from the lectures and these also form part of staff CPD.


Pupil Involvement

We usually have approximately 50 of our own students attending each lecture and between 20 and 50 external pupils mostly from 6th form years (though the lectures are open to all).

Some 15 members of the GA attend each event.


We host on average 8 lectures each academic year.