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Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra – Come and Play Day

St Edward’s School hosted a Come and Play Day in partnership with the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra (OPO). The theme of the day was ‘Mystic and Magic’ and Teddies Music Scholars as well as professional musicians from OPO led masterclasses for 50 pupils from local state primary and secondary schools. At the end of the day, we welcomed parents and guardians to the school and the musicians came together to perform a wonderful concert.


The project aimed to bring strings players together from different schools across Oxford. There was a huge range of playing abilities.


This is the first event where we partnered up with Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra for an event of this scale and type.


Use of school venues including the Olivier Hall and the Old Library

Provision of transport to schools who would not have otherwise been able to come

School lunch for all pupils that attended

Catering for parents who came to watch the performance

St Edward's music scholars helped to deliver the event


The day brought tears of joy to parents and teachers who commented that they never thought they would see some pupils performing in they way that they did.

Many emails of thanks were received from the teachers of the schools involved.

Pupil Involvement

St Edward’s music scholars

X 50 pupils from local primary and secondary state schools


This was a one-off event which we hope to repeat in the future. 

IMG 1900
IMG 1909
IMG 1917
IMG 1921
IMG 1929
IMG 1937
IMG 1954
IMG 1956