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Oxbridge University entrance coaching

Oxbridge entrance coaching of year 12 and 13 pupils at 6 partner schools.

Malvern St James was also part of an Oxford University outreach visit. This was a Royal Society of Chemistry Funded Outreach STEM Gold CREST initiative between Birmingham/Oxford University, Malvern St James and partner schools. 


To provide high quality entrance exam / interview preparation & practice to public school pupils.

STEM CREST Gold awards for UCAS application enhancement, curriculum enrichment, incentivizing high achieving pupil sixth form retention and promotion of Chemical sciences.


Ongoing outreach partnership established with Birmingham/Oxford Universities and schools listed for STEM CREST Gold award project, offer of peer reviewed scientific publication collaboration. Value added, demonstrated, pupil retention. Annually reviewed Royal Society of Chemistry funding; 2K GBP for project expenses obtained for communal benefit of participating schools.


10 Oxbridge place offers from 13 final interviews. Invited applications for sponsorship from Sutton Trust Education Endowment Program and Joseph Rowntree Foundation for next academic year in progress (SGU/PWI). 3 current year 12 pupils at public (state) schools receiving ongoing coaching for the next academic year.

6 Malvern St James, 24 External, 15 public (state) school students age 16-18.

