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Oxbridge conference

In March, the schools liaison officer from University College, Oxford delivered a talk at the school about applying to Oxford University to which pupils from local state schools were invited. Pupils from 4 local state schools attended the talk. In the next academic year the event will be extended to an Oxbridge conference.


The talk was organised for pupils of Shrewsbury High School, but interest from local state schools was apparent given the response to invitations.

Students were informed about requirements and procedure for applying to Oxford University, this was achieved.

Students and teachers from Shrewsbury High School, Thomas Adams School, Meole Brace School, Priory School, William Brooks School.


The project came about as a response to invitations issued to Oxford University talk. 


Space and facilities to accommodate students and speakers. Speakers (schools liaison from Oxford/Cambridge universities.

One teacher, in organisational role, preparation of and duration of conference


Assessement to be carried out after conference

Pupil Involvement

This is for year 9-11 pupils from all schools in the area


The plan is for this to be an annual event, indefinitely.