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OX2 Collective

OX2 Collective is a Youth Theatre run in partnership between The North Wall and St Edward’s School, involving pupils from St Edward’s School and young people from the wider community.


OX2 Collective was created as a joint project between the North Wall and St Edward’s School. Kat Eden in her role as Head of Co-Curricular Drama for St Edward’s wanted to create a theatre company that brought young people from the Teddies pupil body together with young people from the wider North Oxford community. Abie Walton was ideally positioned in her capacity as Participation and Project Officer within the North Wall to work in partnership with Kat to develop this. The intention was to provide young people from outside St Edward’s, who might have very little access to drama with opportunities to get involved and for Teddies pupils to have the opportunity to work with people from beyond their existing community. This was to be as inclusive a project as possible with an emphasis on process but with a performance outcome, in order that the company had something to build towards rather than just being a weekly club. It was agreed that the NT Connections Festival was an ideal goal to aim for as the North Wall are a host theatre and therefore ideally placed to support the company. Rehearsals/meetings would take place at St Edward’s, once a week in the drama studio or theatre depending on availability, from September 2020 through to May 2021 and Abie and Kat would work together to rehearse and direct the company.

Initially the plan was to hold open auditions to find people between 16-18 years, from a wide range of settings and backgrounds. We had imagined meeting lots of interested young people in August 2020, and the selection process would be largely dominated by the need to provide opportunities to those who might not otherwise have access to theatre. Pupils joining from St Edward’s would be selected based on their interest in being part of a wider network of young theatre makers, rather than simply ability.

Covid restrictions however provided us with a different opportunity - Abie approached the Swan School, (a new secondary comprehensive school in Marston) as they were keen to create drama opportunities in their school, where the subject didn’t feature on the curriculum. Whilst these pupils were younger (12 – 13 years old) than we had previously considered – under changing restrictions it made sense that ‘bubbles’ could be easily maintained as and when rehearsals in person finally took place. Other opportunities this situation allowed for were that Teddies pupils (y12) were able to act as mentors to the younger pupils (y8), gaining valuable leadership skills and we were still able to offer pupils with little or no drama experience the opportunity to be part of making theatre.


Ria Parry (North Wall Co-Director) and Rachael Henshilwood (Development Director) supported the project fully and the bursary were able to agree that money would be available within the co-curricular drama budget to support any production costs. Rachael was also able to offer financial and logistical support ‘as needed’ and this came in the form of transport costs for bringing the Swan pupils to St Edward’s. The marketing team at St Edward’s worked with Amy Walters to develop a logo for the company. Abie Walton was able to reorganise her hours in order to give time to this project.

In September 2020 the rehearsals for Swan School were all virtual, Abie took all of these with an occasional virtual visit from Kat. Kat ran in-person rehearsals with the Teddies half of the company in the drama studio, once a week again with an occasional visit from Abie as restrictions eased a little. Sadly, in January with the second lock-down all rehearsals then became virtual but we were able to have the whole cast together (virtually) for a couple of these.

As pupils returned to schools after Easter 2021 we were pleased to resume in person rehearsals and were also able with careful risk assessment to bring both schools together for the first time. Using the larger space in the theatre meant we could maintain social distance and begin piecing the play together, culminating in OX2 Collective taking part in the NT Connections Festival and completing the experience.


This term (21/22) we have launched again but with pupils from a range of settings. The Swan School are again involved with a few returning members and a couple who are new. We also have members from an online school joining us and of course there are some St Edwards pupils from 5th form through to 6th form. The group has 15 members currently.

OX2 Collective performed in The Cutteslowe Light Trail, part of The Oxford Light Festival. The group devised a promenade play; Light a Match based on the themes of light and darkness and discovery. Pupils from St Edward’s School wrote and directed this promenade piece and young people from the wider performed over the weekend.


-          Set/props/costume

-          Outside practitioner

-          Catering

-          Transport - taxis

-          Logo development


Whilst only 6 pupils from Swan School were able to be part of OX2 Collective 2020/21 all 6 gained hugely from the experience. Parents of some of the Swan pupils commented on how they had grown in confidence and developed social and communication skills. We certainly noticed a difference in all the pupils. They all became more disciplined and focused; they took collective responsibility for the play and were open to learning and improving. There were moments where the older Teddies pupils were encouraging and guided the Swan pupils and moments where their experience in drama gave the Swan pupils something to grow towards. A high level of collective achievement and collaboration between all parties made for a highly successful project.

The partnership between the North Wall and St Edward’s had a huge role to play in the success of this project. It was an all-round more valuable experience because we were able to combine the expertise of facilitators – Abie and Kat, work with outside practitioners - associates of the North Wall; during the rehearsal process and of course as part of the festival and use the shared facilities and resources – both human and other, together.

Pupil Involvement


- Young people directly impacted = 14 (6 Swan School pupils and 8 St Edward’s pupils)

- Young people indirectly impacted = pupils working in the year groups and houses of OX2 Collective participants


-  The group has 15 members currently.


OX2 collective meets every Friday afternoon at The North Wall during term time.