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Open Doors Project

Every summer, King's welcomes a large number of pupils from partnership schools on to its campus for an exciting programme of arts workshops and games run by pupils from King's two of our partner schools.

Each child on the arts programme enjoys a day of art, music drama or movement linked to one of the four themes, all of which are brought together in an ambitious show in the school theatre on the final day.

children on the sports scheme experience a rota of swimming, tennis, tag-rugby, rounders, hockey and football, which reaches a climax at a tournament on our playing fields.



To provide a focus and a showcase for the creative projects engaged in by King’s pupils and their counterparts in local schools.

To give pupils the opportunity to demonstrate and develop a host of skills, whilst learning about sportsmanship, good communication and teamwork.

To provide invaluable work experience for older pupils.

Share our facilities with the wider community.


Most pupils stated that the project helped them develop their levels of compassion, confidence and communicational skills. 

Pupil Involvement

120 pupils from primary schools taking part in sports

60 pupils from primary schools devising a theatrical show. 

The project was led by student leaders from King's and two partner secondary schools. 


Every summer holidays.