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Norwich School PE and Games Outreach for the local community

A team of Norwich School PE teachers are providing children in the local community the opportunity to receive specialist teaching in a range of sports and activities. The teachers at the local primary schools have the opportunity to be up-skilled and helped with their teaching of PE. The team also provide CPD sessions for the teachers and festival coaching and competition days for the pupils. 


Provide children in the local area the opportunity to receive quality specialist teaching in a range of sports and activities.

Provide opportunities for teachers to be up-skilled in PE.

Work with teachers during the lesson to broaden their understanding of the sport or activity.

Introduce new sports or activities for pupils to participate in.

Organise festival competitions for schools to take part.


Staffing - Four Norwich School PE Staff provide 23 hours per week of sports teaching/coaching.

Sessions are taught in the primary schools using their facilities.