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Music partnership events - 2024

Choir at St Helen's CE Primary School in Wheathampstead, Senior School cello quartet visit to Bernards Heath Infant and Nursery School, Choir at Maple Primary School (2023), Choir at Alban City School. School Choirs will be invited to the STAHS Choral Partnership Day in June 2024.


To provide musical expertise to local primary schools, especially in the areas of performance.


St Helen's Choir started in September 2023, Alban City Choir started in January 2024. Previously worked with Maple School in 2022/2023. Bernard Heath was a one-off event.


One member of staff for each of the schools mentioned. Maple/ St Helen's and Alban City were/ are all on a weekly basis.


'Maple Choir performed in a STAHS concert, and parents were invited along withe the Head Teacher. This was received well.

Pupil Involvement

STAHS pupils assisted with the Bernard Heath concert Y12 and Y12 also assisted with Maple Choir. Ages of pupils from partner schools include: Maple Y5 and Y6, St Helen's Y5 and Y6, Alban City Y2 and Y3.


Bernard Heath - Single event. St Helen's and Alban City - Weekly. Maple was also weekly but has now stopped.