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Music Department concert series

The LGS Music department organises three concerts each year, performed by professional musicians.

In the 2021-22 academic year, this included Roots of Jazz, focussing on Black History, The Gould Piano Trio and the GUS Band. All concerts are advertised to the general public and are free to under 18 year olds, therefore providing a fantastic opportunity for young people from the local community to hear extremely high-quality music making from some of the most famous bands and ensembles in the country. Ticket costs to the general public are subsidised due to the lack of venue hire costs, so are made more accessible to all.


Partnering with professional musicians provides an unrivalled opportunity to showcase music making at its best. Tickets are made available to the public, at subsidised rates, ensuring accessibility to all. As there is no charge for U18, the vision is that such concerts encourage engagement from the younger generation, broadening their exposure to a range of music styles and potentially inspiring future musicians to take up music.

The Roots of Jazz concert led the LGS celebrations of Black History Month, exploring the intertwining histories of Jazz and the traditional Christian message. Ticket sale profits went to A21, an anti-slavery charity. 

LGS pupils also benefit from such events as workshops are often arranged prior to the performances, where pupils can rehearse alongside professional musicians. In the case of the GUS Band, members of the LGS Symphonic Wind Band also performed in the concert, and in the Roots of Jazz concert, the LGS Big Bang shared the stage with the jazz musicians.


School facilities are used for rehearsal and performance space at no cost to the performers. Concerts are advertised on the school website and in the Noted brochure. LGS music staff support all events.


Ticket sales are strong and concerts are regularly praised by attendees. £310.94 was raised for the charity.


The LGS Music Department hosts three concerts each year with external, professional musicians. This is planned to continue indefinitely.