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Mock Oxbridge Interviews

In November 2023 City of London School, City of London School for Girls and City of London Freemen's School came together to offer their expertise on Oxbridge interviews by hosting mock interviews for 26 pupils from our Family of Schools. These covered a variety of subjects from Architecture to Medicine to English Literature.


The aim of this programme was to utilise the expertise of teachers from the City schools to aid state school pupils in their Oxbridge interview preparation.


All three schools already run internal mock Oxbridge interviews so we wanted to extend this provision to the Family of Schools.


Was reliant on teachers from the three school who had specialties in their interviewees field. All interviews occurred online and so were easily accessible for the pupils and staff.


Many of the pupils who took part in this event went on to receive offers from Oxford and Cambridge and school teachers from the partner schools stated that the extra provision was a great help and improved pupil confidence.

Pupil Involvement

The pupils were all Year 13 students who were about to be interviewed for their courses. 


This was a single event but is planned to continue in the coming years.