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Mini-Multiple Interviews at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital

Upper Sixth students from local schools who are applying for medical school were invited to join Moreton’s Upper Sixth prospective medics, to attend an evening at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Hospital (RJAH) to practise multiple-mini interviews (MMI).

RJAH and a biology teacher at Moreton Hall, collaborated to bring together the Upper Sixth students, twenty four RJAH doctors and GPs and consultants from other hospitals. The busy evening involved the potential medics being exposed to a wide range of interview styles including discussing ethics, to demonstrate their communication skills in role play scenarios, all carried out under the tight time pressure that the MMI format imposes on medical applicants.

“As more and more medical schools use this interview style it really helps students to experience this format before their real interviews. We are very grateful for the doctors and surgeons who helped run this event, often coming straight from treating patients, to help the next generation of doctors prepare for their medical school applications,” said the teacher. 

She continued: “At Moreton we are especially pleased to be able to include students from so many local schools. This year forty eight students from fifteen local schools attended. Holding the event in the Conference Suite at the RJAH provides a great venue for the event.”

Moreton Sixth student, Cici, who is applying to medical school this year said: “I found the MMI evening really helpful. It made me more aware of some of the current important issues in medicine as well as helping me to give fuller answers at interview and develop my interview skills. Attending the MMI has made me much more confident about this type of medical interview.”

One student, who is also a keen potential medic, agreed: “This is something that I have been worried about and being able to practise it has really helped me. It was good that the doctors also gave us feedback so that we will be able to do better in our real MMIs.”


The partnership was established to support students applying to medical school with the view of holding mock interviews with medical professionals. 

The invitation was extended to students within Shropshire with a commitment to pursue a career in medicine.  

Pupil Involvement

Sixth Form students studying science attended the mini interviews from independemt and state schools.




The mini-multiple interviews take place annually with the support of RJAH.

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