Maths with Coombe Boys' School
Every Friday a group of sixth form mathematicians from King's travel to Coombe Boys' School to assist key stage three pupils in their understanding of Maths. Strong relationships are formed between the sixth-formers and their mentees, and the KS3 boys involved have seen a demonstrable improvement in their assessment results each year.
To assist in improving the Maths ability of selected KS 3 boys at Coombe Boys' School, and develop the communication and leaderships skills of the KCS sixth form students.
Teaching facilities at Coombe Boys' School are used, and a member of staff from both schools is present at all times.
The majority of King's pupils involved in this project indicated that they felt it had helped develop their communication skills, and Coombe Boys' School have confirmed that their pupils have appreciated the additional support.
Pupil Involvement
Sixth form students from King's assist a variety of KS3 pupils from Coombe Boys' School with their understanding of Mathematics.