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Maths problem-solving enrichment day

An annual maths problem-solving "competition" that develops mathematical mastery, logical thinking, problem-solving skills alongside character and team-work. The morning consists of two large team-based activities that promote discussion and collaboration alongside mathematical understanding, and celebrates gifted and talented mathematicians across the region. The event has been a great success over the past two years, and has led to the creation of a maths problem-solving league setup between ourselves and NHSG for 2024-25.


Aims - to celebrated and enrich the education of gifted mathematicians in Years 5&6 in the region. To promote teamwork and develop character alongside ability. To bring together students from a variety of schools and backgrounds and allow them to celebrate maths together. The opportunity was provided as there are little to no opportunities for UKS2-age students to take part in such activities in the region.

The pupils themselves are the immediate beneficiaries of this activity, though staff from schools also benefit from opportunities to network and take away various mathematical challenges and approaches.


The opportunity was identified by NSB's Junior Maths Lead, Owen Spinks, based off conversations and networking done in the local maths hub sessions. Coordinators across the region were keen for opportunities for children in their UKS2 settings to be able to celebrated for more than just their sporting activity, which is most easily catered to. The event is entering its third year in 2024-25.


Resources required include the use of a suitable space for 100+ students and their teachers - and as such is held in NSB's Senior School Hall. It is supported and run by NSB Junior School teaching, support and admin staff alongside A-level maths students who support the teams from all schools in their approaches.

Usually, this comprises of 3 NSB teaching staff for a 4-hour morning session, with countless planning and admin hours in the run-up to the event (approx. 20 hours).

There are small catering needs for the event - refreshments for children and staff - along with prizes for the best-performing teams and take-away resources and equipment for students and staff.

The event is free for all partner schools other than their own staffing and travel costs, though the site is on local public transport links.


The only impact assessed is in pupil enjoyment of the event, which is often high.

In future, standardised assessment of this will take place to get statistical information and attendee testimonies.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils attend in teams of 4 from each school (more than one team can be entered) and are taken from Years 5&6 currently. In 2023-24, there were 96 pupils from 14 schools in attendance.


The event is annual, though has led to an off-shoot mathletics league being set up alongside another ISC school (Newcastle High School for Girls). The aim is for the event to continue annually for Year 5&6, and also provide opportunities for similar events for other age groups also.