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Manchester Sings 2022

Withington’s senior and junior pupils gathered with children from six Greater Manchester primary schools in the spectacular setting of Manchester Cathedral on Tuesday 29th November to perform together in a celebration of music and poetry as part of an inter-school partnership project known as Manchester Sings.

Around 230 children arrived at the Cathedral on buses from Whitefield Community Primary School, St Luke’s CofE Primary (Bury), Broadfield Primary (Oldham) and Manchester schools, St Kentigern’s RC Primary, St Margaret’s CofE Primary, Wilbraham Primary and Withington Girls’ School, to sing as a massed choir for the first time. All participants donned colourful t-shirts for the occasion and performed a harmonious and uplifting medley of songs, interwoven with poems written by pupils, inspired by the theme ‘We’re all in this together'. The hour-long event, organised for the third time since 2019 by Withington Girls' School, was a heart-warming experience for the audience of families, friends and invited guests, who included Greater Manchester’s Lord-Lieutenant, Mrs Diane Hawkins DL JP, the Lord Mayor of the City of Manchester, Councillor Donna Ludford, and Manchester Cathedral’s Reverend Canon Nigel Ashworth.

Withington’s Director of Music and organiser of Manchester Sings, Mrs Gilly Sargent, who has led rehearsals at each of the schools over the past few months, praised all involved for their effort and commitment. “Watching these children, some as young as seven, practising so hard, enjoying their music and growing in confidence has been truly inspiring. It’s been wonderful to see these primary school pupils from different parts of Greater Manchester performing as one with such passion and energy at this magnificent venue in the very heart of our great city. As always, this has been a musical journey for all those taking part. Music is such a powerful force for good - everyone has a voice, every voice has a song,” she said. The theme was reflected not only in the selection of seven songs but also in the readings, which had been written by the children themselves to reflect their own personal thoughts and experiences.

Funds raised during the event and via online donations go to help the Booth Centre and Wood Street Mission.

We are grateful to Beaverbrooks Jewellers for their sponsorship of Manchester Sings since the inaugural event in 2019.
