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Latin Club

In the autumn of 2021, the Eton College Community Engagement (ECCE) programme of volunteering for Year 12 was re-established post-pandemic, involving 160 students, each being allocated to one of 30 different placement activities. 


160 Year 12 students volunteering.
30 weekly placements.
Approximately 235 hours of service a week / 1880 hours of service per term.
11 members of staff supporting.

Latin Club 

Four Year 12 Eton students went into Eton Wick First School, and three into Eton Porny First School each Monday to run a 30-minute after-school club for children from Years 3 and 4.  This ran from November through to the end of the Lent Half. These students were supervised in their preparation of each of the lessons, but were encouraged to come up with their own plans and ideas to make the sessions fun and engaging for the children. Each group of students was accompanied by an Eton teacher. The teacher acted as an adult presence during the sessions and afterward and was able to discuss the session with the students. These discussions helped the students think about any adjustments in content, delivery or classroom management for the next session. Latin Club loosely used Barbara Bell’s Minimus to structure the sessions, which contains a mixture of cartoons, grammar, mythology and bases its stories at Vindolanda. Minimus also has plenty of extra resources to use, while students also produce their own materials, such as word searches or other games to engage the children.