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Kent College's PE teacher is a school governor at Ryarsh Primary School

Kent College's PE teacher is a school governor at Ryarsh Primary School, Ryarsh. She attends governor meetings throughout the year and serves on a number of panels, including the Disciplinary Panel, Head teacher Performance Panel and Pay Committee. She also interviews for new staff including the Head teacher and SLT posts when required and visits the school to complete monitoring visits as part of the School Development Plan and Governing Body monitoring structure on a twice - termly basis.


The teacher has been a Governor throughout her own children’s school life and beyond, using her educational knowledge and expertise to assist the primary school in developing outstanding practice. 


Her children attended the primary school and it was then that she forged links with the school and developed the partnership.


The teacher is given time off to attend meetings, interviews and visit the school.


This teacher is passionate about delivering outstanding educational experiences to all children and allowing them to achieve their full potential. Through excellent recruitment and using her educational experience she has helped the primary school achieve an Outstanding Ofsted rating and to deliver an outstanding experience to the whole school community.

Pupil Involvement

Staff only

