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Kent College's Headmistress is a school governor at Mascalls Academy Paddock Wood

Kent College's Headmistress is a school governor at Mascalls Academy, Paddock Wood. She attends governor meetings throughout the year and actively supports the school in attending such events such as Open Days and School Plays.


She has held the position of Head since 2009 and shares her experience to promote and develop leadership capacity and capability in the school. Our head is keen advocate for partnership working and staff and pupils from her school and Mascalls are now in the second year of a STEM project for Year 9 pupils.  


As Head of a boarding school, she lives at her school which is 10 minutes away from Mascalls. The specific aim of becoming a governor is to promote the work of Mascalls in the local community. 


Kent College's Governors support her in taking time out of school to attend governors’ meetings and events at the school.


The head is committed to working closely with neighbouring maintained schools to provide as many opportunities as possible for the young people in the Tunbridge Wells area. 

Pupil Involvement

Staff only

