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Kent College's Head of Chemistry is a school governor at Leigh Primary School

The head of chemistry is a co-opted school governor at Leigh Primary School, Kent. He sits on the Pupil and Curriculum and Full Governing body committees and attends governor meetings throughout the year. He and actively supports the school in by advising on aspects of the science curriculum.


He is an experienced science teacher with additional expertise in the area of managing medical research and seeking charitable funding. He is able to use this expertise to help the school meet the goals as laid out in the School Development Plan.


He has had input into the school’s science curriculum through meetings with the schools science teaching lead. In addition he provides regular input though the Pupil and Curriculum committee and Full Governing Body into areas of focus such as improving teaching, curriculum provision and attendance. 


The head of chemistry fits in governors meetings around his teaching commitments and aims to undertake some Governors visits during to coming year to evaluate science provision.


With children who attend Leigh Primary School, he has an insight into the ethos of the school and the challenges that it faces in the future.