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Kammwamba Project

This is a programme set up by the School Chaplaincy to support a group of school children in Malawi with pre-loved uniform. The idea is to help students in a remote rural area of Malawi take ownership and pride in their education by providing basic school uniform and sports kit.


The idea to help the students started in 2017 with the School Chaplaincy organising a clothes collection across the school for pre-loved uniform. The aim is to help students feel that they belong in education by having their own school uniform. In this remote rural area in Malawi, education is still not widely routinely provided for children and the aim is to encourage and help more children feel that they are able to access education.


The programme was established in 2017 and it came about from a link that the School Chaplain had to the area.


When the collection of clothing is finished, it is all boxed up and taken to Glasgow. Usually, there are in the region of 20 packing crates full of clothing and this is taken to Glasgow on one of the school support vehicles accompanied by the Chaplain and students.

Pupil Involvement

Senior pupils are encouraged to take ownership of the project and co-ordinate the collection an despatch. The pupils are a mixed group of Sixth Form students.


This is an ongoing event that will continue going forward. There is only a limited number of children in the school community in Malawi, so the collection and distribution of clothes to them will be every two years.