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Junior art exhibitions

Children from local Primary schools submitted artwork to Malvern St James’s annual Junior School’s Art Exhibition. Their work was professionally displayed in an exhibition that culminated in judging by a professional artist and a prize giving ceremony attended by the children, staff and parents.


To showcase young, local artists and celebrate their work in a public environment

To engender a passion for art in children in the local community and provide an opportunity to showcase their talent and hard work.


Admin and organisation of the event is provided by Malvern St James’s Expressive Arts Co-coordinator during the preceding term. Setting up the artwork displays is done by our Art Technicians over two days. The exhibition occupies the whole of the York Hall and is on display for four days during the week prior to the judging and awards ceremony held on a Saturday morning.


Over 300 guests attended the exhibition which culminated in the highly anticipated Prize Giving. A guest judge and Malvern St James Headmistress were delighted to hand out the awards.

The events have been running for nine years and the feedback we receive from local schools tells us that the children look forward to it each year especially the opportunity to have their artwork critically evaluated by an independent expert.

Pupil Involvement

Years Reception - Year 6.


Annual events.