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Joint venture Astroturf facility

Strong relationships between The King’s School, Worcester and Bishops Perowne Church of England College enabled new sporting facilities to be introduced to Worcester.

The King’s School, Worcester, Bishops Perowne Church of England College and Worcestershire County Council identified a need for improved All Weather Pitch facilities in the Worcestershire area that could be available for the use of both Schools. They entered into an agreement in 2010 to develop and maintain for a period of 30 years an All Weather Pitch.

The facility, funded by The King’s School, but sited within the  Bishops Perowne Church of England College complex provides access to an All Weather Pitch for pupil’s from both Schools. The combined Schools have circa 2,000 pupils who have access to the facility.

The two schools recognise the importance of sports participation amongst young people, and the facility has convinced more pupils at Bishops Perowne to get involved in physical exercise. The King’s School Worcester focus their use around Hockey across all age groups for Year 3 to Sixth Form.

The project presented an opportunity to develop a partnership with a local maintained school, especially one that shares in our Christian roots and ethos.


The aim of the partnership between the King's School Worcester and Bishops Perowne was to construct an All Weather Pitch located at the  Bishops Perowne Church of England School site to provide facilities for both Schools and the wider community to use.

The partnership arose from the identification of a need for improved All Weather Sporting facilities at both School’s.

Critical to the success of this partnership is the continuing relationship between King’s School Worcester and Bishops Perowne Church of England School to ensure that the facility is maintained and available for pupil and community use.

The immediate beneficiaries of this partnership are the pupils of the King’s School Worcester, King’s Hawford and King’s St Alban’s as well as pupils at Bishops Perowne Church of England School. Those accessing the facility through community lettings such as local football and hockey clubs are also deemed beneficiaries.


The partnership developed through a relationship between Governing body and Head of Bishops Perowne Church of England College. The opportunity being identified by a Governor of the King's School Worcester supported by the Bursar.

The partnership began in April 2010.


King’s School Worcester provided the capital investment for the facility including all costs associated with planning permissions for the project and the build of the facility in 2010. King’s School Worcester is also committed to replacing the surface of the All Weather Pitch as required under the life of the agreement.

Pupil Involvement

Bishop’s Perowne pupils from the age of 11 to 16 have access to the facilities. Bishop’s Perowne have 1,100 pupils in their School. King’s School Worcester use the facilities for pupils aged Year 3 (age 7) to year 13 and have a similar 1,100 pupils in this age group.


The partnership is ongoing with the facility being in daily use. The agreement is for 30 years from 2010.