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ISSP Science Day

This case study takes a detailed look at the Science Day as part of the Hampton Independent/State School Partnership (ISSP).

This partnership comprises Hampton School, The Lady Eleanor Holles School, Teddington School, Orleans Park School, Hampton High, Tolworth Girls' School and Hollyfield School.


The purpose of the Science Day is to share good practice, promote collaboration, raise aspiration and achievement amongst pupils and to offer a range of enrichment and extension activities for the able, gifted and talented across the partnership schools.


The Partnership has been in place since 2009. It has involved several schools across the Richmond and Kingston Borough coming together to develop collaborative activities which would benefit pupils in a variety of ways. The work was originally overseen by an independent Facilitator, but is now run by an Executive Committee, made up of representatives from each of the seven Partner Schools. 


Science Day is hosted at Hampton School and pupils are provided with refreshments and resources throughout the day. Hampton School teaching and non-teaching staff facilitate the activities, funded by Hampton School. This is a whole day event run each year in the Autumn Term and the purpose of Science Day is to challenge the pupils, introducing them to exciting and inspirational lessons beyond the curriculum that will motivate them to study science still further.


Pupils complete a questionaire at the end of the day so that their feedback may be shared with both the teaching staff and their own schools, they also take part in a discussuion about the day's activities.

The other benefit of participating in such partnership activities is evident when observing pupils from a variety of local schools mixing and working together and sharing their enthusiasm for Science. The knowledge that they have been selected by their teachers to represent their school on this special day also helps to boost their confidence in their abilities.

Pupil Involvement

In 2019, forty-two Year 9 boys and girls from four partner schools, plus eight students from Lady Eleanor Holles School spent the day involved in Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons which we hope will offer them an insight into new topics and that they will continue to benefit from.


This event takes place on an annual basis.