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IntoUniversity Values Sessions with E@E

A group of Eton students and teachers held a virtual session for children from IntoUniversity centres in Clacton, Liverpool, and Coventry to learn the importance of teamwork in creating environmental solutions. After coordinating with IntoUniversity staff on materials for use in these virtual sessions, Eton students prepared a fact file on plant and animal biomes. In small groups led by several Eton students and a master, the children worked together to design and make presentations on biodiversity. 


Feedback from the IntoUniversity centres indicated that the children had found the sessions enjoyable and helpful in improving their presentation and teamwork skills. The children found the Eton volunteers were very energetic, creative, encouraging and supportive.    

“The session was really enjoyable for the students and it was a good opportunity to encourage their presentation skills. It was a great session - the volunteers really understood how to encourage and support the young people.” Clacton-on-Sea Team

“The volunteers were great, really energetic and made our students feel comfortable to share with them. They also came with a lot of knowledge for the young people and the students really enjoyed the activity.” Coventry Team

“The students really enjoyed the session, particularly showing the volunteers their work towards the end of the session. The resources produced by the volunteers were of very high quality and the session allowed the students to learn about biodiversity in a creative way.” Liverpool Team
