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Inter-School Debate

This week we welcomed students from Denmark Road High School for our first inter-school debate organised by students.

One of our students, Jack, gave us his lowdown on the event: “On Monday, 9th May, DebateSoc held their first Friendly Debate against another school, Denmark Road High School. The debates were very lively with both the Fourth Form and Lower Sixth taking an active role in all three motions. The afternoon kicked off with a great debate on space exploration and its privatisation by billionaires; the second debate started with a very interesting motion on free speech and the nuances behind it. After a brief ‘cake break’, the third and final debate ensued with the very controversial motion of: ‘This house believes that Genetic Engineering on human embryos should be permitted.’

After 20 minutes of heated dispute, the debate concluded signifying the end of a very successful afternoon where both schools had made excellent speeches and counter arguments.