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Inspiring Young Minds Day

A day of academic enrichment workshops involving almost 300 year 4 & 5 pupils from local partner primary school's, planned & delivered by L6th students.

The day began with inspirational music & dance performances from students at the College as the children arrived.

An outside company, Sublime Science, offered the schools an added enrichment resource at no cost to themselves.


To offer our own pupils the opportunity to lead curriculum-based projects.

To build on the academic learning of Primary aged children through challenging and inspirational activities.

To develop relationships with teaching staff at local Primary schools.

To enable local Primary schools to benefit from outside providers of educational projects at no cost to themselves.

To share our resources.

To enrich our student experience.

To develop links across socio-economic groups.


This event took place during Life Skills Week, a week at the end of the summer term when the whole College is off timetable. 

This was our first event of this kind.


Minibuses/coaches to transport Primary schools to and from College.

Buy-in of staff to work with L6th students during Enrichment Programme sessions in Trinity term.

Advertising to create excitement across schools.

Cost of Sublime Science Company.


"The children had an amazing time and were really inspired not only by the workshops but the musical and dance performances at the start of the day."

"Thank you for an excellent day. The Ardingly students were, without exception, polite and helpful."

"They really loved the hands on aspect of the workshops and felt fully involved in the whole day."

"The biology session was amazing; the children really learnt something alongside it being engaging and practical. There were lots of comments from children such as: "do you think I would be able to study this when I am older?", and I could tell they really looked up to the Year 12s."

Pupil Involvement

All of the workshops planned & delivered for the Year 4/5 children by the L6th students were practical & engaging.

The primary school children were in groups of 12-20 and had at least three  L6th buddies with them throughout the day to escort, befriend & answer questions.

The primary children enjoyed a picnic and a play at lunchtime.


We hope to make this an annual event.