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House Singing Competition

LEH School Composer in Residence, gave his services for free in accompanying rehearsals for, and the actual House Singing Competition at Hampton Hill Junior School. The Director of Music at LEH School judged the competition, further cementing links between the two schools. The children decided on the judging criteria and Mrs Ashe referred to these in her adjudication.

This involved about 120 children in the choirs with the whole school watching.

Extract from Hampton Hill Newsletter:

We are very proud of our team of 12 Music Leaders whose responsibility it has been to direct and coach the members of their team to perform a song in this annual competition.  This year we chose songs by Abba, the children learnt them during our weekly Whole School Singing with our Choirs learning the harmony parts and providing soloists.

We were delighted to welcome the Director of Music at Lady Eleanor Holles School, as our Judge and the pianist Mr Ashe to accompany the children.