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Horizons Project

This is an outreach project bringing together Roehampton University lecturers, Putney High School staff and students and Year 5/6 pupils from local Primary schools, to offer stretch and challenge activities.

The Year 5/6 pupils will be mentored by pupils from Putney High School in Year 9 and 10.


· To offer students in Year 5-6 a range of meaningful extension activities and workshops, hosted at Roehampton University and Putney High School.

· To offer students the opportunity to teach and learn from each other and make connections with other students from different schools in the local area, including our PHS Year 8/9 mentors.


The project has been established for over 5 years, and this is the latest launch of the project alongside Roehampton University.

3 Workshops were held for Y5 students, targeted at pupil premium and G&T students. The programme then continues into 2023-24 with 3 further workshops. Year 8 students will act as mentors this year and continue into Year 9.

Workshop sessions:

· Computer Science (Roehampton). 

· Drama Workshop.

· Growhampton – sustainability.


Workshops take place at Putney High School and at the University of Roehampton. Our teaching staff and academic staff from the university run the sessions.

There are 3 sessions each year, one per term.


We have developed student surveys with the outreach department of Roehampton University to ensure that we gather both quantitative and qualitative data on their experiences and learning.

Pupil Involvement

35 students from 5 schools involved.

Pupils form Year 8 help to mentor the visiting students as well as developing their leadership skills by feeding into the activities offered.


The program runs with 3 sessions per year and refreshes with a new cohort every 2 years.

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