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History Visit

40 Year 4 children visited Trent College across 3 different days to explore the history of our school buildings, as part of their school history project. They spent time in our original classroom, dated from 1868, our chapel built in 1870 and our Devonshire Library form the same era. They looked at artefacts, studied old photographs and made drawings of some of the features that they saw.


Our aim was to offer our school as a resource to be used by the primary school children and their teachers in meeting their history curriculum objectives.  


Our Primary School Liasion Co-ordinator has a close relationship with the headteacher of this primary school and has offered the school as a resource to be used when a need is identified. This relationship is in it's 3rd year of existence.


The children had access to the three key areas - our first classroom, our Chapel and Devonshire Library. A mixture of teaching and non-teaching staff led the sessions, with our Reverend leading in the Chapel, our Head of Alumni in the first classroom and our Head of Library Services in the Devonshire Library. The children were given refreshments and there was no cost involved in their visit.


Feedback from both the teachers and children was very positive. They enjoyed being 'history detectives' and loved having artefacts that date back 150 years to handle and explore.

Pupil Involvement

40 Year 4 children from an external primary school were involved.


This is an annual event, offered bespoke to any external primary school.