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History Partnerships Day

Fourth Form (Year 10) pupils at Teddies partnered up with St Aloysius’ Primary School in June for a History Day. School years 3, 4, 5 and 6 came to Teddies and enjoyed interactive workshops with our Fourth Form pupils participating in historic workshops on the Great War, where the pupils all got to dress up in the soldiers’ uniforms. Museum of Oxford also joined us and hosted a workshop where the pupils studied together a range of artefacts including fossils, engraved clay and old belt buckles and we investigated what this told us about past lives.

A Year 3 pupil from St Aloysius' said ‘Learning about different periods of history was so much fun - we got to try on soldiers’ clothes and learn about the World War.’ 


This is part of our Teddies Collaborates offering. 

Teddies Collaborates is the name given to our School wide service programme that begins with introductory sessions during the Shell year, building to a weekly timetabled placement for all lower sixth pupils. 


Through our partnership with ImpactEd we surveyed the Fourth Form to enable them to reflect upon their learnings for this project. 

Overall, pupils in Year 10 scored highly in their reflections of their own attitudes to leadership after participating in the Primary School Leaders. This was particularly true for their feeling of confidence at trying new things. Qualitative feedback also showed that the Year 10 pupils highly enjoyed their experience of participating in the programme and valued the opportunity to socialise with primary school aged children.

Pupil Involvement

St Edward's 4th Form Pupils

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 from St Aloysius' Primary School 


This is an annual event