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Heber Primary PE lessons and Annual Sport Day

Alleyn’s playing fields are used by Heber Primary School for a range of PE classes on a weekly basis each Thursday morning throughout the school term. The local school has only a small outside playground which is not sufficient for large-team games.

Alleyn's also hosts Heber Primary for their annual sports day. The pupils take part in multiple sporting activities, using Alleyn's sports fields and running tracks.


Heber School have no outside green space, making an activity such as this impossible at their own School.

Staff members at Heber have put together a timetable of PE lessons and schedule the morning in order for all pupils from Years 3 – 6 to benefit from a regular PE class. 


The local School have regularly used the playing field on an annual basis for their Summer Sports Day. Since September 2016 the school has had regular access to the fields in order to broaden the weekly PE activities they are able to offer.


The areas available to the school within the fields include tarmac netball courts, a shale running track and the Alleyn’s memorial garden.

Alleyn's facilities were hired to the local School free of charge.


Regular physical activity is an essential part of the curriculum and is necessary for the well-being of young, growing children. Staff at Heber are now able to teach a greater range of physical activities. This partnership has enabled pupils at Heber to learn new sports, take part in large-team games while fundamentally improving their physical health.

Pupil Involvement

Approximately 400 pupils attend the annual sports day, plus invited parents. Using Alleyn's School, Heber were able to host a local, fun-filled day of sporting activities, at no extra cost.


Heber Primary School will be returning in future years.