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Harvest Festival

Every year The Grange School community collects a selection of items (including food and sanitary items) for Mid-Cheshire Food Bank as part of our annual Harvest.


A key aim for the project is an enhanced sense of community. 

Whilst the Grange enjoys activities such as this for the sense of community that it fosters for us, we are delighted that it makes a significant difference to the local community.

Mid-Cheshire Food Bank directly benefits from the items collected by The Grange School community and through their work, the local community benefits.


The annual Harvest collection is co-ordinated by The Grange School's Head of Communities. This partnership has been in operation for the past 4 years but prior to this, The Grange collected Harvest for another cause.

Collecting for Harvest has been part of The Grange's tradition for many years, with local and international charities directly benefitting from this.


Crucial to the success of the project is the generosity and goodwill of the wider Grange community. The event is entirely testimony to the time dedicated by The Grange's Community Action team.

The Grange directly contributes through:

Use of The Grange School facilities

Time and efforts committed by Grange School teaching staff

Time by Grange School students


The partnership is positively viewed by Grange school staff & students and makes a direct contribution to Mid-Cheshire Food Bank. The food bank always comments on how critical contributions of these types are. 

During 2019, The Grange School donated 64 crates of donation to Mid-Cheshire Food Bank. The food bank were directly in touch to thank us for this donation and highlighted the difference that this has made to local families.

As a well established tradition and importance for our school sense of community, this is not subject to the same impact assessment. Each year our Head of Communities introduces new initiatives to raise the profile of Mid-Cheshire Food Bank and maximise the amounts raised.

Pupil Involvement

The whole Senior School community is involved in Harvest, with every tutor group collecting for Mid-Cheshire Food Bank.


This happens on an annual basis and will continue to be part of The Grange's yearly commitments.