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Harris Primary Theatre Performance

Harris Primary East Dulwich annually uses Alleyn’s theatre for school performances. The local primary School hires the theatre over two days, one rehearsal day and one performance day.

The School held multiple different performances involving all pupils at the School. In past years, the younger children performed a variety style show, whilst the older pupils performed a short play. In other years, the production was an end-of-year performance showcasing a selection of songs and poetry for a parental audience.


The use of the theatre helps Harris Primary deliver aspects of their curriculum and extra-curriculum.


The theatre and extra technical equipment, including haze, moving lights and projection, was hired to the School free of charge. 

Theatre staff were on hand throughout the hire to operate lights and sound, and supervise the use of the theatre. Event staff coordinated the logistics of the hire, arranging a production meeting ahead of the hire, and helping with any requests on the day.

The only cost to the School was the specialised staff required for the hire.


The pupils enjoyed performing in a professional theatre in front of their family and friends.

"It provided a fantastic opportunity for the children to perform within a theatre environment and to invite all parents to a single performance. It allowed the whole school community to come together and celebrate the year.The children's confidence to perform on a stage setting grew throughout the experience." 

- Vice Principle, Harris Primary East Dulwich


Harris Primary East Dulwich will return to Alleyn's theatre in future years.