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Gymnastics at St Aloysius' Catholic Primary School

One of our graduate assistants attends St Aloysius' Primary School each week to deliver gymnastics sessions to their KS1 pupils. Three of our Lower Sixth pupils attend and help with the sessions as part of our L6th Teddies Collaborates programme.


St Aloysius' expressed a need for more varied sporting opportunities for their pupils


Launched in September 2022, our L6th Teddies Collaborates programme sees each member of the Lower Sixth volunteering in the community for 90 minutes weekly. 



The sessions take place in St Aloysius' School Hall and they use the existing school mats. The Primary school teachers remain with the class whilst these sessions are taking place.


Positive feedback from St Aloyisus' staff and pupils. 

Pupil Involvement

St Aloysius' pupils are year 1 and 2 

St Edward's pupil helpers are Lower Sixth


This session happens each week during term time.