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Governor at St John Fisher Catholic Primary

One of the music staff (KB) is a foundation governor at St John Fisher School. He attends meetings, school events and specialises in curriculum issues. He will also sit on the Admissions and Resources committees. He is currently a Head of House and Transition Coordinator, and previously Director of Music. He brings a wealth of pastoral and academic experience to the role.


The staff will sit on the governing body, with a focus on curriculum issues.

The school made and appeal for governors and he responded.


He has completed his training required by the diocese. 


KB attends meeting and school events throughout the year. As a gifted musician he will provide advice on developing school music. He is also a mental health first aider.

He is able to attend meetings during school time


Governors meetings and visits take place frequently throughout the school year, enabling the school to implement its strategic vision

Pupil Involvement

Staff only

