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Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Assessment

Head of Higher Education, and Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator at Royal High School Bath assessed 3 Gold DofE Teams from nearby Bath Schools during the summer holiday.


To ensure those competing teams meet the criteria for a successful Gold DofE expedition.

These two schools did not have an accredited assessor on their staff, and The Head of Higher Education volunteered to give his time to support their need.

This enabled the 20 students to participate in an important life affirming, skills-based expedition.


The head has previously assessed for Keynsham Open Award Centre, which has now disbanded. Some of their leaders now help with the Wellsway/SBL MAT.


The energy and generosity of Royal High School's DofE Lead who gave his time and commitment to ensure this was possible.

Pupil Involvement

20 17 year olds, male and female students were able to take part in this internationally recognised award programme.


Annual event which is part of the DofE programme - The Head of Higher Education's availability to serve as an assessor is dependent on his energy and generosity with his time.