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Girls in Tech Careers Event

Head of Careers, Miss Kailey, worked in partnership with Tecman, a Technology Management Company to offer a careers event for Year 9 girls considering a career in Technology.

The students explored roles in IT and Tech, learnt about the history of women's achievements in IT, and networked with a variety of professionals. They enjoyed a workplace tour and discussed why a career in IT would be a good pathway to choose. As the demand for IT increases year on year, so do the jobs available and progression opportunities for those in the industry. 


Wolverhampton Grammar School has a full programme for CEIAG, which helps all students from years 7 – 13 make informed choices about their futures and transition smoothly between key stages. This programme consists of guest speakers from a variety of industries, workplace visits to high profile companies including Sky Studios London, Oxbridge preparation, 1:1 Information, advice and guidance, and a work experience programme with high quality placements including medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences, engineering, law and many more.

A grant from the Merchant Taylors' Foundation is enabling us to enhance our own programme for CEIAG, as well as sharing it with state schools in Wolverhampton. The funding pays for industry speakers and themed careers days, as well as covering transport costs for events held off site or for bringing students to our campus.

The success criteria for the project is to expose students in Wolverhampton state schools to:

-        Further Education and Higher Education opportunities, including trips to institutions and opportunities to meet undergraduate students.

-        Careers in a variety of industries, through workplace visits and guest speaker engagements.

-        Careers fairs, where students will get to meet a variety of employers.

-        Attendance to apprenticeships fairs.

-        High quality careers literature

The partnership benefits both our own students and those in local schools.


The first CEIAG partnership event was an Oxbridge preparation day in February 2023 in conjunction with Beaconhill Academy. This was followed by a Healthcare Careers Workshop with Smestow Academy in July.

The programme was set up and organised by our Head of Careers, Miss Kailey. External funding will ensure this continues for the foreseeable future.


The WGS Careers Outreach Programme has received funding from Merchant Taylors' Foundation.

Events are both in school and at external venues such as workplace partners and universities.


Progress is to be measured by attendance, data regarding SEN PP and LAC, student voice and staff voice.

The feedback from the students attending this event was highly positive. Many are now considering GCSE Computer Science or Business Studies as options subjects, with a view to pursue career pathways with IT and Tech firms in the future. 

Pupil Involvement

29 students in Year 9 took part, 16 WGS students with 13 from Smestow Academy. All students were female as the focus was on 'Girls in Tech'.


This activity was part of a year-round programme of Careers Outreach which is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

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