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Genocide Awareness Day

Hampton School organise an annual Genocide Awareness Day for a number of local secondary schools. Survivors from genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia as well as the Holocaust share their testimonies with pupils followed by a series of creative workshops.


The Hampton School History Department host and run the event for local secondary schools, supported by the Hampton School Events Team. The event is held in the Hammond Theatre, the Main Hall and Hampton School classrooms.  

All resources are funded by the School and lunch is provided to all those involved. Hampton School also organise a number of external workshop providers who run workshops ranging from art to animation. 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils are in Year 9 at their local secondary school and both boys and girls are invited to the event. At Genocide Awareness Day 2019, eight local secondary schools participed involving over 100 pupils.


This is an ongoing annual event, which takes place in October of each year.