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GCSE Revision Classes

King’s College School offers GCSE revision classes in a range of core subjects to Year 11 students at the secondary schools in the Wimbledon ISSP. The revision sessions are run by staff from King’s and the partner schools, and take place every Thursday afternoon in the Spring Term. Revision classes offered in 2019 included Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English Language, English Literature, and preparation for the speaking tests in Spanish, German and French. Revision classes in Mathematics, English language, and English literature are offered at 7-9 or 4-5 levels. The classes last one hour and over 200 students took part in 2019. 

The partnership involves Coombe Girls’ School as well as Coombe Boys’ School, Grey Court School, St Mark’s Academy, Raynes Park High School, Ricards Lodge High School and Ursuline High School.


The aim of the GCSE revision classes is to raise attainment and confidence in both core and non-core subjects. There was a need across the Partnership to help students improve their GCSE grades, particularly in English and Mathematics. 

The immediate beneficiaries are the students themselves, but the teachers also gain experience teaching from a different syllabus or to a different level than that at their own school.


This course of GCSE revision sessions was one of the first arrangements made by the Wimbledon Independent State School Partnership created by a formerly senior mistress at King’s, and it has been running every year since 2004. Our partnership with Coombe Girls’ Girl began the previous year and was established by the then Head of Coombe Girls’ and the senior mistress with the aim of raising attainment at CGS and providing training and CPD opportunities for King’s staff. The partnership is strongly supported by current heads and school staff.


Availability of teaching and non-teaching staff: over 15 members of staff were involved in the teaching of the project in 2019 across the whole Spring Term and catering (the students are given squash and buns when they arrive!). 15 classrooms/labs with all classes are based at King’s: classrooms, computers, science equipment, catering. King’s College School provides all funding.


The anticipated outcomes are that the students’ knowledge and self-confidence will be reinforced and that the classes will have a beneficial impact on GCSE results. GCSE results are tracked. 

Pupil Involvement

All pupils involved are from the state sector.  Year 11. Mixed-gender classes. 


Annual project every Spring Term. Classes happen once a week for one hour after school (4-5pm). The final session is in the last week of the partner schools’ spring term. We foresee that it will continue so long as there is demand from our partner schools.