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Ganet's Adventure School, Malawi

Alleyn’s Lower School has been actively involved in fundraising for Ganet’s Adventure School and in the development of joint curriculum projects. Focusing on Malawi, the project raises awareness among pupils in the Lower School of international development issues.


Money raised through recent fundraising projects meant Alleyn’s School were able to develop links with a school in Malawi. Through the School Chaplain, Rev Anthony Buckley, links with The Ganet Adventure School in Malawi were developed, encouraging further pupil involvement and engagement.


Teaching staff and IT staff have been involved in the project so far. Through the use of IT and a sharing of resources both schools have been able to benefit. Alleyn’s set up a Firefly page for both schools to access following Ganet School's recent receipt of an iPad. It is hoped that in the future staff will be able to go to Malawi to assist with training in the use of IT in the classroom.

Pupil Involvement

Year 8 pupils at Alleyn’s actively develop the partnership between the two schools through letter writing and fundraising projects. As an ongoing project Alleyn’s pupils will have the opportunity to continue to volunteer for the charity which supports the school.


This is an ongoing partnership. In the future Alleyn’s is hoping to raise funds for solar panels. This would be a joint Science/Geography project between both schools to give Ganet's access to electricity.