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Further community work

History Lecture
We held a lecture from Historian Dr Butler on Ireland in WWI and invited the local community.

Aims: Beneficiaries were Local History group RH7 plus any local historians.

Background: History Department.

Resources: We covered the cost of the speaker but provided it free to the local History group RH7 plus any local historians.

Youth Enterprise Scheme
A Business Studies and Economics teacher is supervising year 10s in a scheme which raises money for St Catherine's Hospice. It is business entrepreneur related.

Aims: To raise money for St Catherine's Hospice.

The students gain experience of organising events to raise money.

Background: Business Studies and Economics Department

Resources: Students have to come up with ideas to raise money for St Catherine's Hospice through this Youth Enterprise Scheme.

Impact: Money raised for St Catherine's Hospice

Pupil Involvement: Year 10 students guided by Teacher but have to organise the fund raising themselves.

Frequency: Academic Year 2019-20

Sports Activities with Young Epilepsy
Each week, roughly 8 Young Epilepsy students come to Lingfield College and get involved in a range of sporting abilities, such as fitness, basketball and indoor football.

Frequency: Weekly

SMT Governance at Young Epilepsy
The Headmaster of Lingfield College is a governor at Young Epilepsy

Frequency: Permanent

Musical Sessions with Young Epilepsy
The Prep School Choir, Orchestra and Band visit Young Epilepsy to entertain the students (Nov 2017, Feb 2018 & May 2018) and work in joint choirs.

Frequency: Annual