Friday Afternoon Blues (FAB) with Holy Trinity Primary School
The Jazz Combo ensemble provides an opportunity for musicians from King's to learn about the nature of jazz and particularly to explore the art of improvisation. They have the opportunity to coach two Year 5 classes from Holy Trinity Primary School in jazz and blues to prepare them for a large scale joint concert, involving pupils from both schools annually, in February in the King’s concert hall. Tuition is given to the older pupils in jazz harmony and the use of the various scales and modes used in jazz improvisation. The older students also attend a seminar on music teaching at the beginning of the year.
To enable 60 pupils from Holy Trinity Primary School to perform Jazz on a range of instruments leading to a concert.
To allow King's pupils to develop their skills in performing, leadership, empathy and teaching.
A range of musical instruments and the concert hall at King's.
The project will lead to a concert in February in the King's concert hall where all pupils involved will perform together.
Pupil Involvement
Year 5 pupils from Holy Trinity Primary School.
Senior School pupils from King's.
This project takes place at regular intervals on Friday afternoons culminating in the concert in February.