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Food & Nutrition Workshops

Working closely with Thomas Franks, the King's Worcester Foundation's catering partner, the King's School has provided a series of Food and Nutrition workshops.

Targeted at pupils in Year 4 and Year 5 the workshops not only focus on healthy eating but offer the opportunity for pupils from across Worcestershire to listen to nutritional experts talk about nutrition and well being, get hands-on preparing healthy snacks and explore the concept of zero waste cooking.

To date, since the start of the academic year (2023-2024) the King's School Worcester has hosted 187 primary aged pupils from eight primary schools, with further dates planned.


Working in partnership with school caterers, Thomas Franks, the King's Worcester Foundation aimed to deliver an informative, yet fun, workshop surrounding the idea of healthy eating and nutrition to primary school aged children.

The workshop aims to enable children to explore nutrition and healthy eating, gets hands on in a safe and supportive environment designed for children to learn from experience. 


The first workshop took place in October 2023 with further dates booked through until Summer 2024.


Thomas Franks provided the staff and nutritional experts in order to deliver the content of the workshop.

The King's Worcester Foundation provided school facilities including kitchen facilities and teaching spaces. Organised and planned by King's Worcester Foundation non-teaching staff, the school also provided transport to and from the school to those school's who required transport.


Qualitative feedback from those attending the workshops indicates that the workshops have been extremely well received by both teaching staff and pupils.

Teachers have sited a support for classroom learning has been hugely valuable to their pupils whilst pupils have gained an enthusiasm for the topic leaving the workshop eager to learn more. Whilst workshops are designed to support the curriculum, some pupils were surprised to learn that healthy food can also be delicious!

Primary schools attending are always asked for feedback post event.


Workshops are run on a monthly basis throughout term time with two workshops run each day. At present the workshops will continue into the Summer 2024.