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First Aid Training for Schools and the Community

Joint First Aid Training
Monkton invites local partner schools to take part in essential first aid training, as well as offering training courses to local churches and community groups.



The aims are to share resources and create positive working connections between staff members across schools; and increase our partnerships with the local community. 

The identified need was the scarcity of provision when it comes to essential first aid courses for staff.

For our school partners, at Monkton we have an in-house trainer and took the opportunity to extend the invitation to local school staff  for sessions running for our own staff. 

For our community partners, our school trainer most often delivers workshops at their base. 

Immediate beneficiaries are the members of staff from schools and community groups that take part in the training. Along with the children and those using the services, who benefit from the expertise of those staff members who took part.


School partnerships - the Monkton lead for CPD identified the opportunity of having smaller internal numbers for the course running this term, and approached the Director of Partnerships about how to extend the opportunity to local schools. 

After an initial pilot that worked very well and received very positive feedback, we decided to repeat this offer each time we run internal training events for first aid.

Community groups - organisations that are known either to the school or the trainer can ask for training, we seek to meet the need wherever possible.


Schools - we decided to offer the course at a subsidised rate to our partner schools as a way of encouraging uptake.

Monkton trainer time.

Some sessions are run at Monkton, others are in the community.


Numerous teaching staff from local schools and staff from community groups have benefited from the training provided, being able to take knowledge and skills back to their own setting.

Pupil Involvement



This is an ongoing partnership with our local schools and community groups.