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Farnham Foodbank Christmas Collection and Delivery

The Frensham Heights community supported the Farnham Foodbank by collecting food for the Christmas period.


The main aim was to provide much-needed supplies for those who need them. We saw that Farnham Foodbank needed supplies and volunteers and the critical factor was to engage students, parents and teachers in donating and sorting supplies.

The immediate beneficiaries are those in our local community who are struggling at this time.


The project developed from our continued relationship with Farnham Foodbank and was identified by our Head of Outreach and Community Engagement, Lynn Goodburne.


The key resources were students', teachers' and parents' generosity and time.

The school facilities were not used other than to temporarily store donations. Teaching and non-teaching staff were involved - two staff for several hours.

There was no direct financial contribution.


There was no formal assessment of the project.

Pupil Involvement

Students from 11 to 18 years old were involved, all genders were included.


This is an ongoing project which happens twice a year. It will continue long term while supplies are needed.