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EYLA Visit Days to Eton College

Two groups of 15 Eastside Young Leaders Academy (EYLA) pupils visited Eton for a day in January (Years 10-11) and March (Years 5-6). They knew a lot about Eton already, but showed great interest in both the history and current life of the school. Both groups began their visit by exploring the Foundation Buildings. The older EYLA pupils played Tchoukball and took part in a printing worship. The younger group played Eton Fives and donned lab coats to try out some experiments in chemistry. Both groups spent time with current Eton pupils over break time and lunch. The EYLA pupils asked us a number of thought-provoking questions, with topics including Eton’s educational mission and life at Eton and the Etonians were just as curious to learn about the life experiences of the EYLA pupils. Both groups explored the museums too before heading home. 


“Those of us who were fortunate to meet members of EYLA and spend time with our peers remarked afterwards that it had been a fantastic opportunity. Indeed, several of us had worked with our EYLA counterparts on various projects in the past, and it was great to see them again. One of the real strengths of our collaboration with EYLA is that it is more than just a one-off activity. Through our many intersections over the academic year, it is already apparent that friendships are being made that will last long into the future.” - L, Year 12, Eton College (January visit) 

“This was an unforgettable trip! Etonians are very friendly, kind and humorous. They made me feel welcome and comfortable.” J, Year 5, EYLA (March visit) 

 “I really enjoyed the 3 science experiments and the museum of Eton life and meeting Jeremy. I loved the Victorian writing history lesson and enjoyed the Latin session - it was a fun text to practise!  The Etonians were nice and welcoming, and I enjoyed asking them lots of questions. And I loved the fives game a lot. I loved the food, and the Ice cream was amazing.” K, Year 5, EYLA (March visit)
