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Eton College Community Engagement

In the autumn of 2021, the Eton College Community Engagement (ECCE) programme of volunteering for Year 12 was re-established post-pandemic, involving 160 students, each being allocated to one of 30 different placement activities. 


Placement activities external to the College included: 

Charity shops
Local schools (primary, middle, and secondary)
Care homes
Slough Mencap
Swan Lifeline
Eton Tourist Information Centre
Community arts spaces 

Placement activities internal to the College included:

College Collections sessions for primary schools 
Rowing Outreach at Dorney Lake. 
Environmental Enhancement Group looking after local wildlife spots.


Eight members of the teaching staff and two non-teaching staff assisted with various placements (involving training and organising students for certain activities and supervision of some activities).  

One member of the support staff assisted with the administration. 


“My communication and people skills have greatly improved, as I was thrust into an environment which forced me to help and communicate with strangers.” Eton student on Library placement.

“I gained a lot of patience, understanding of the most effective methods of teaching, empathy for my mentee, and practical skills as I improved my maths alongside him.” Eton student onMaths mentoring.

“All the boys are helpful, brilliant and when asked to do a task they are always happy to do things straight away.” Charity Shop Manager.

“The boys have been a credit to Eton.” Primary school Teacher.

Pupil Involvement

160 Year 12 students volunteering.
30 weekly placements.
Approximately 235 hours of service a week / 1880 hours of service per term.
11 members of staff supporting.
